The Keyboard Tellegraph
Insider stories from people that make their living using their computer KEYBOARD

It's Like Having Your Own Web Page

The Keyboard Telegraph is an online site that offers those that make their living using their computer keyboard the opportunity to post articles about products or services that they represent.

When you become a Marketing Partner this Web Page becomes Your Web Page. When you invite people to hear about this opportunity, and they join, they join your group. You get the credit.

Free Kittens
We buy paid memberships in the Traffic Programs that work and direct all the traffic at this web page.

#1. Thousands of Visitors Ever Hour, 24/7.

When we find a traffic program, we test it, and direct all the traffic at this page, giving you an endless flood of visitors, all day, every day.

These are paid memberships so you don't have to waste your time clicking for FREE traffic. Save time and put cash in your pocket.

Each day, 1,000's and 1,000's of people visit this page. They come from all over, looking for the secret formula to generate more traffic. They flock here to learn, and you will be right in the middle of all the excitement.

#2. Tell Your Story

The best way to meet new people is to tell a story. It's just a friendly way to say "Hi" and start a conversation.

That is the idea behind  Partner Articles .

Partner Articles work just like an advertisement where people "Click On" your article for more information. The difference? Advertisements can be pushy and aggressive. Articles are just a friendly little chat.

You'll see the index for all the Partner Articles displayed on the first page of The Keyboard Telegraph. It's the first thing the visitor sees. It's that important It is the key to building your list.

On our sister site, The Real Truth About Website Traffic, where we test all kinds of different advertising and direct that traffic at The Keyboard Telegraph. With all the traffic programs, we are testing, sending thousands of visitors to this website every day, it is your Partner Article that captures this traffic and funnels it into your list.

In the members area we'll show you how this works. Just get ready for an avalanche of people reading your Partner Articles.

To make Articles work, keep them short and sweet. The secret: create curiosity or push an emotional hot button.

#3. A Free Gift Like No Other

A Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund just for you. As a member of our marketing partner program you will receive One Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for yourself.

Each month, when we distribute the Co-Op Marketing fund to each shareholder you will receive your share from the fund. This is real cash, and we'll give you all the details in the member's section.

This is over and above the normal shares you will receive as a marketing partner. You'll read all about the Co-Op Marketing Fund below.

This may well be the best free gift you will ever receive. From day one, you are going to make money with the Co-Op Marketing fund. Learn how to make your shares grow and this can give you the freedom that you have always craved.

The freedom to live life on your terms. The freedom to live where you want. The freedom to travel where you want. There is nothing else in life that equals financial freedom. It's intoxicating.

#4. Join Your Group

When you invite someone to look at this opportunity, your Member ID will be the Owner ID for this web page. When these people join, they will join your group.

#5. The Co-Op Marketing Fund

Our Co-Op Marketing Fund is where the real money is made with this opportunity. As a Marketing Partner you will be a member of this unique program. This is new and different, and you will not find anything like it anywhere online. Learn how this works. It's like having your own cash machine.

You will receive one share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for every person that joins your group. This is your share of the profits from all the traffic that comes to this website.

We'll tell you all about this in the member's area. Just get ready to count your cash.

Traffic Programs
The Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership

It's Like Having Your Own Web Page

The Keyboard Telegraph is an online site that offers those that make their living using their computer keyboard the opportunity to post articles about products or services that they represent.

When you become a Marketing Partner this Web Page becomes Your Web Page. When you invite people to hear about this opportunity, and they join, they join your group. You get the credit.

Free Kittens
We buy paid memberships in the Traffic Programs that work and direct all the traffic at this web page.

#1. Thousands of Visitors Ever Hour, 24/7.

When we find a traffic program, we test it, and direct all the traffic at this page, giving you an endless flood of visitors, all day, every day.

These are paid memberships so you don't have to waste your time clicking for FREE traffic. Save time and put cash in your pocket.

Each day, 1,000's and 1,000's of people visit this page. They come from all over, looking for the secret formula to generate more traffic. They flock here to learn, and you will be right in the middle of all the excitement.

#2. Tell Your Story

The best way to meet new people is to tell a story. It's just a friendly way to say "Hi" and start a conversation.

That is the idea behind  Partner Articles .

Partner Articles work just like an advertisement where people "Click On" your article for more information. The difference? Advertisements can be pushy and aggressive. Articles are just a friendly little chat.

You'll see the index for all the Partner Articles displayed on the first page of The Keyboard Telegraph. It's the first thing the visitor sees. It's that important It is the key to building your list.

On our sister site, The Real Truth About Website Traffic, where we test all kinds of different advertising and direct that traffic at The Keyboard Telegraph. With all the traffic programs, we are testing, sending thousands of visitors to this website every day, it is your Partner Article that captures this traffic and funnels it into your list.

In the members area we'll show you how this works. Just get ready for an avalanche of people reading your Partner Articles.

To make Articles work, keep them short and sweet. The secret: create curiosity or push an emotional hot button.

#3. A Free Gift Like No Other

A Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund just for you. As a member of our marketing partner program you will receive One Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for yourself.

Each month, when we distribute the Co-Op Marketing fund to each shareholder you will receive your share from the fund. This is real cash, and we'll give you all the details in the member's section.

This is over and above the normal shares you will receive as a marketing partner. You'll read all about the Co-Op Marketing Fund below.

This may well be the best free gift you will ever receive. From day one, you are going to make money with the Co-Op Marketing fund. Learn how to make your shares grow and this can give you the freedom that you have always craved.

The freedom to live life on your terms. The freedom to live where you want. The freedom to travel where you want. There is nothing else in life that equals financial freedom. It's intoxicating.

#4. Join Your Group

When you invite someone to look at this opportunity, your Member ID will be the Owner ID for this web page. When these people join, they will join your group.

#5. The Co-Op Marketing Fund

Our Co-Op Marketing Fund is where the real money is made with this opportunity. As a Marketing Partner you will be a member of this unique program. This is new and different, and you will not find anything like it anywhere online. Learn how this works. It's like having your own cash machine.

You will receive one share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for every person that joins your group. This is your share of the profits from all the traffic that comes to this website.

We'll tell you all about this in the member's area. Just get ready to count your cash.

Traffic Programs
The Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership

It's Like Having Your Own Web Page

The Keyboard Telegraph is an online site that offers those that make their living using their computer keyboard the opportunity to post articles about products or services that they represent.

When you become a Marketing Partner this Web Page becomes Your Web Page. When you invite people to hear about this opportunity, and they join, they join your group. You get the credit.

Free Kittens
We buy paid memberships in the Traffic Programs that work and direct all the traffic at this web page.

#1. Thousands of Visitors Ever Hour, 24/7.

When we find a traffic program, we test it, and direct all the traffic at this page, giving you an endless flood of visitors, all day, every day.

These are paid memberships so you don't have to waste your time clicking for FREE traffic. Save time and put cash in your pocket.

Each day, 1,000's and 1,000's of people visit this page. They come from all over, looking for the secret formula to generate more traffic. They flock here to learn, and you will be right in the middle of all the excitement.

#2. Tell Your Story

The best way to meet new people is to tell a story. It's just a friendly way to say "Hi" and start a conversation.

That is the idea behind  Partner Articles .

Partner Articles work just like an advertisement where people "Click On" your article for more information. The difference? Advertisements can be pushy and aggressive. Articles are just a friendly little chat.

You'll see the index for all the Partner Articles displayed on the first page of The Keyboard Telegraph. It's the first thing the visitor sees. It's that important It is the key to building your list.

On our sister site, The Real Truth About Website Traffic, where we test all kinds of different advertising and direct that traffic at The Keyboard Telegraph. With all the traffic programs, we are testing, sending thousands of visitors to this website every day, it is your Partner Article that captures this traffic and funnels it into your list.

In the members area we'll show you how this works. Just get ready for an avalanche of people reading your Partner Articles.

To make Articles work, keep them short and sweet. The secret: create curiosity or push an emotional hot button.

#3. A Free Gift Like No Other

A Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund just for you. As a member of our marketing partner program you will receive One Share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for yourself.

Each month, when we distribute the Co-Op Marketing fund to each shareholder you will receive your share from the fund. This is real cash, and we'll give you all the details in the member's section.

This is over and above the normal shares you will receive as a marketing partner. You'll read all about the Co-Op Marketing Fund below.

This may well be the best free gift you will ever receive. From day one, you are going to make money with the Co-Op Marketing fund. Learn how to make your shares grow and this can give you the freedom that you have always craved.

The freedom to live life on your terms. The freedom to live where you want. The freedom to travel where you want. There is nothing else in life that equals financial freedom. It's intoxicating.

#4. Join Your Group

When you invite someone to look at this opportunity, your Member ID will be the Owner ID for this web page. When these people join, they will join your group.

#5. The Co-Op Marketing Fund

Our Co-Op Marketing Fund is where the real money is made with this opportunity. As a Marketing Partner you will be a member of this unique program. This is new and different, and you will not find anything like it anywhere online. Learn how this works. It's like having your own cash machine.

You will receive one share of the Co-Op Marketing Fund for every person that joins your group. This is your share of the profits from all the traffic that comes to this website.

We'll tell you all about this in the member's area. Just get ready to count your cash.

Traffic Programs
The Traffic Programs We Are Testing
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership