History has proven, over and over again, that most people just don't believe something will work the first time they hear about it. It is just human nature to be very skeptical whenever you hear about something new.
Here's an example of real experts that did not believe that a new idea would work. Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime...
In the summer of 1954, four hundred wealthy businessmen were invited to hear about a joint venture proposal.
Hands were shaken, coffee was served and for the next few hours, behind closed doors, detailed graphs projected the future of how this venture would play out.
History would show that this was one of the sweetest deals ever offered in business and those that embraced this idea would make thousands of times their original investment ... all that joined the venture would make millions.
This was not a naive group of wet-behind-the ears dreamers, awestruck by the thought of sudden riches, or easily swayed by emotion.
No, this was a hard-nosed bunch, accustomed to dealing with bankers and politicians. A sales pitch that plays on emotion would not work with this group.
Here were the captains of their industry, being offered the deal of a lifetime. Their reaction is what is fascinating.
How many of those original 400 had the foresight to run with this deal ... and beat out the competition?
As it turns out, exactly three.
The creator of this idea - ever the businessman - understood; "After all," he says, "all we were offering them was a name, a set of plans, and a dream!"
The deal was a simple one: $500 down and about $5 per day was all they had to pay for the rights to use a name and a set of plans ... to make the dream of a lifetime come true.
Who was this businessman and what was he selling? You may not recognize his name but you certainly know his company. Today, it is one of the most recognized brand names in the world.
In 1951, Kemmons Wilson was on vacation with his family and became disgusted by the motels of the era that charged $2 extra for children, "We have five kids, so our $6 room became a $16 room," he said.
"Opportunity comes often, it knocks as often as you have an ear trained to hear it, an eye trained to see it, a hand trained to grasp it, and a head trained to use it."
This quote is from "Twenty Tips For Success" by Mr. Kemmons Wilson, founder Holiday Inn®, America's Innkeeper
Mr Wilson was a homebuilder by trade so it was no surprise, that a year later, he opened his first Holiday Inn® where children could stay for free and families were assured of consistently clean, safe, rooms.
In 1954 he sold his first franchise and within a very few years, Holiday Inn® created the first central reservation system for the hospitality industry through a partnership with IBM. Then, everyone wanted in on the deal.
"From that point on it wasn't a question of trying to sell franchises - it was a question of allocating them."
Side Note: Within three years this company went public with a $3.9 million stock offering and suddenly, everyone wanted in on the deal.
Those that didn't jump on board wound up standing in a long line, waiting their turn.
Do miss out this time, You'll be one happy person with this deal, Go Here
Imagine, if today, you were offered the chance to own a McDonald's® or a Holiday Inn® franchise for a small investment. Any rational person would jump at the chance. But would you be so eager if these companies were just starting out? Probably not.
As you have just read wealthy, knowledgeable, people were the first to hear about this opportunity and they didn't see the potential. So don't feel bad if you're a little skeptical of the opportunity you are about to hear about.
Now it's your turn. Your turn to be first. Now you have the opportunity to be one of the first to join a new program on the Internet.
This program is designed for those that want to make a living using their computer keyboard.
Now, go to the member's area and learn about the "good stuff" so you don't wind up standing in line after everyone else learns about this deal. If you want to be at the head of the line then take the next step and join us. You don't have to spend any of your hard earned money all you need is the desire to succeed.
Thank you,
If you have any questions, send me an email and I'll try to help.
The Keyboard Telegraph
Remember when you were a kid and Mom & Dad took you to an amusement park or festival? You'd ride the rides and scream and yell. Who could forget?
Right in the middle of these memories is one of the main keys to successful affiliate marketing. Details Here
How many times have you heard someone say, "If only I had bought stock in McDonald's® or Apple® or whoever ... I'd be rich today”. Don't bet on it.
Watch what happened when a group of wealthy businessmen were offered the deal of a lifetime. Click Here
Remember when you were a kid and Mom & Dad took you to an amusement park or festival? You'd ride the rides and scream and yell. Who could forget?
Right in the middle of these memories is one of the main keys to successful affiliate marketing. Details Here
How many times have you heard someone say, "If only I had bought stock in McDonald's® or Apple® or whoever ... I'd be rich today”. Don't bet on it.
Watch what happened when a group of wealthy businessmen were offered the deal of a lifetime. Click Here