The Keyboard Tellegraph
Insider stories from people that make their living using their computer KEYBOARD
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone publish a story (article) on the Keyboard Telegraph?

Yes, but there are restrictions.

You must be a member to publish an article. See the membership section for details.

Good common sense will tell you that we certainly do not need negative controversy or anything that puts a bad light on our network, so use good judgment before you place an article on this network.

We do not allow any of the following on our network:

  • Absolutely nothing illegal.
  • No articles for porn or adult material.
  • Hate or racial messages are strictly forbidden.
  • No materials endorsing or encouraging violence, hatred, revenge, racism, victimization, or criminal activity.
  • No articles for Get-Rich-Quick schemes. If you say you earned the money but ready to prove it.
Note: We reserve the right to ban or restrict any activity, without notice, that adversely effects the integrity of our network. If in doubt, ask before you publish an article.

I make really good money selling affiliate products. Can I tell my story?

Yes, just make sure and be honest.

My I tell a political story?

The minute you start talking politics you turn off 50% of the audiance. We are an online marketing information site not a platform for political views. If you want to tell a political stiry tell it somewhere else.

My I list a business article?

Yes. A commercial article is any article that deals with goods or services offered for sale. Business articles work great if they tell a story. We reserve the right to remove any article that is boring. Nobody wants to read a boring story.

Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone publish a story (article) on the Keyboard Telegraph?

Yes, but there are restrictions.

You must be a member to publish an article. See the membership section for details.

Good common sense will tell you that we certainly do not need negative controversy or anything that puts a bad light on our network, so use good judgment before you place an article on this network.

We do not allow any of the following on our network:

  • Absolutely nothing illegal.
  • No articles for porn or adult material.
  • Hate or racial messages are strictly forbidden.
  • No materials endorsing or encouraging violence, hatred, revenge, racism, victimization, or criminal activity.
  • No articles for Get-Rich-Quick schemes. If you say you earned the money but ready to prove it.
Note: We reserve the right to ban or restrict any activity, without notice, that adversely effects the integrity of our network. If in doubt, ask before you publish an article.

I make really good money selling affiliate products. Can I tell my story?

Yes, just make sure and be honest.

My I tell a political story?

The minute you start talking politics you turn off 50% of the audiance. We are an online marketing information site not a platform for political views. If you want to tell a political stiry tell it somewhere else.

My I list a business article?

Yes. A commercial article is any article that deals with goods or services offered for sale. Business articles work great if they tell a story. We reserve the right to remove any article that is boring. Nobody wants to read a boring story.

Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone publish a story (article) on the Keyboard Telegraph?

Yes, but there are restrictions.

You must be a member to publish an article. See the membership section for details.

Good common sense will tell you that we certainly do not need negative controversy or anything that puts a bad light on our network, so use good judgment before you place an article on this network.

We do not allow any of the following on our network:

  • Absolutely nothing illegal.
  • No articles for porn or adult material.
  • Hate or racial messages are strictly forbidden.
  • No materials endorsing or encouraging violence, hatred, revenge, racism, victimization, or criminal activity.
  • No articles for Get-Rich-Quick schemes. If you say you earned the money but ready to prove it.
Note: We reserve the right to ban or restrict any activity, without notice, that adversely effects the integrity of our network. If in doubt, ask before you publish an article.

I make really good money selling affiliate products. Can I tell my story?

Yes, just make sure and be honest.

My I tell a political story?

The minute you start talking politics you turn off 50% of the audiance. We are an online marketing information site not a platform for political views. If you want to tell a political stiry tell it somewhere else.

My I list a business article?

Yes. A commercial article is any article that deals with goods or services offered for sale. Business articles work great if they tell a story. We reserve the right to remove any article that is boring. Nobody wants to read a boring story.

Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership