The Keyboard Tellegraph
Insider stories from people that make their living using their computer KEYBOARD
Who Sent 47,542 Visitors
Actually, these 47,542 visitors showed up in just a few hours. It didn't take a day.

The real question: "What happened after they arrived?"

After all the excitement of this massive traffic streaming into our website, what happened?

  • Did they signup for any Free Goodies? ... No
  • Did they join our mailing list? ... No
  • Did they buy anything? ... Nada
A big fat Nothing! No surge in signups. Nobody whipped out their credit card. NOTHING.
Credit Card

So Where Did These 47,542 Visitors Come From?

We looked in our database and found the answer. These visitors were not real people. They're bots. Little electronic web programs called web bots or web crawlers.

Hackers love them to see if they can get into your site and cause trouble. The search engines use them to learn information about a website.

If this traffic is a bunch of fakes, then why are we making such a big deal about this?

"Because, more than half of all Internet traffic is generated by bots."

Quote by: Igal Zeifman, marketing director

All of this talk about 47,000 visitors may sound crazy but when people start selling traffic and promising 1,000's of hits make sure they are talking about real people, not little creepy crawly bots.

The traffic numbers we show are for real visitors, real people, not some phony robot pushing up the hit counter to make a traffic program look like it is preforming much better than it actually is. These are facts you can trust.

We need visitors, just like you.

We need good reliable traffic, just like you. That's why we started testing all of these programs in the first place. We're not trying to make headlines running around catching scammers and screaming "We gotcha".

It's not worth the hassle ... or wasting time with lawyers.


We're looking for Traffic Programs that work. Wildly successful programs that produce 1,000’s and 1,000’s of visitors everyday.

If a program really works then watch out, we'll promote it like crazy.

What good are thousands of visitors if they don't do anything? That's what you'll see with our testing. We'll show you if these programs send real live people.

If a program doesn't work, we'll quietly archive it. We let the facts speak for themselves. You can make your own decisions. If you want to buy a program that produces a trickle of traffic, that's your business.

Now you know the truth. Come on inside. The real traffic facts are right here ready for you to see.

Thank you

How do we know?

How do we know that you are a real person, that just wants the truth about website traffic programs?

Because joining our members area is very difficult for a web bot. Not impossible, but very difficult.

All the website traffic programs we are testing send traffic to this web page. It's important to stop any malicious or fraudulent activity.

By taking the extra step to add your email to our members area you are helping to protect the integrity of this traffic data.

Join Us

  • You will see how many visitors we receive from each of the traffic programs we are testing.
  • Real facts, in real time, right from our database.
  • Real visitors. We stop the scammers, hackers and bots from sneaking in, and adding visits to make a traffic program appear to be performing better than it actually is.
  • Join us. Membership is Free.

Note: There is no charge to join and view the test results of the different traffic programs we are testing. Membership is free.

Our Promise: We hate spam just like you do and we'll protect your privacy. We WILL NOT rent, sell or give your personal information to anyone.

With the popularity of AI (artificial intelligence) keeping the bad guys out is getting more challenging so this is one of the safeguards to keep an eye on these pests.

Guess How Much Traffic this Ad Created.
[You Won't Believe the Answer]
It's amazing. Join us and we'll tell you the story behind the traffic this banner ad created.
Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Who Sent 47,542 Visitors
Actually, these 47,542 visitors showed up in just a few hours. It didn't take a day.

The real question: "What happened after they arrived?"

After all the excitement of this massive traffic streaming into our website, what happened?

  • Did they signup for any Free Goodies? ... No
  • Did they join our mailing list? ... No
  • Did they buy anything? ... Nada
A big fat Nothing! No surge in signups. Nobody whipped out their credit card. NOTHING.
Credit Card

So Where Did These 47,542 Visitors Come From?

We looked in our database and found the answer. These visitors were not real people. They're bots. Little electronic web programs called web bots or web crawlers.

Hackers love them to see if they can get into your site and cause trouble. The search engines use them to learn information about a website.

If this traffic is a bunch of fakes, then why are we making such a big deal about this?

"Because, more than half of all Internet traffic is generated by bots."

Quote by: Igal Zeifman, marketing director

All of this talk about 47,000 visitors may sound crazy but when people start selling traffic and promising 1,000's of hits make sure they are talking about real people, not little creepy crawly bots.

The traffic numbers we show are for real visitors, real people, not some phony robot pushing up the hit counter to make a traffic program look like it is preforming much better than it actually is. These are facts you can trust.

We need visitors, just like you.

We need good reliable traffic, just like you. That's why we started testing all of these programs in the first place. We're not trying to make headlines running around catching scammers and screaming "We gotcha".

It's not worth the hassle ... or wasting time with lawyers.


We're looking for Traffic Programs that work. Wildly successful programs that produce 1,000’s and 1,000’s of visitors everyday.

If a program really works then watch out, we'll promote it like crazy.

What good are thousands of visitors if they don't do anything? That's what you'll see with our testing. We'll show you if these programs send real live people.

If a program doesn't work, we'll quietly archive it. We let the facts speak for themselves. You can make your own decisions. If you want to buy a program that produces a trickle of traffic, that's your business.

Now you know the truth. Come on inside. The real traffic facts are right here ready for you to see.

Thank you

How do we know?

How do we know that you are a real person, that just wants the truth about website traffic programs?

Because joining our members area is very difficult for a web bot. Not impossible, but very difficult.

All the website traffic programs we are testing send traffic to this web page. It's important to stop any malicious or fraudulent activity.

By taking the extra step to add your email to our members area you are helping to protect the integrity of this traffic data.

Join Us

  • You will see how many visitors we receive from each of the traffic programs we are testing.
  • Real facts, in real time, right from our database.
  • Real visitors. We stop the scammers, hackers and bots from sneaking in, and adding visits to make a traffic program appear to be performing better than it actually is.
  • Join us. Membership is Free.

Note: There is no charge to join and view the test results of the different traffic programs we are testing. Membership is free.

Our Promise: We hate spam just like you do and we'll protect your privacy. We WILL NOT rent, sell or give your personal information to anyone.

With the popularity of AI (artificial intelligence) keeping the bad guys out is getting more challenging so this is one of the safeguards to keep an eye on these pests.

Guess How Much Traffic this Ad Created.
[You Won't Believe the Answer]
It's amazing. Join us and we'll tell you the story behind the traffic this banner ad created.
Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Who Sent 47,542 Visitors
Actually, these 47,542 visitors showed up in just a few hours. It didn't take a day.

The real question: "What happened after they arrived?"

After all the excitement of this massive traffic streaming into our website, what happened?

  • Did they signup for any Free Goodies? ... No
  • Did they join our mailing list? ... No
  • Did they buy anything? ... Nada
A big fat Nothing! No surge in signups. Nobody whipped out their credit card. NOTHING.
Credit Card

So Where Did These 47,542 Visitors Come From?

We looked in our database and found the answer. These visitors were not real people. They're bots. Little electronic web programs called web bots or web crawlers.

Hackers love them to see if they can get into your site and cause trouble. The search engines use them to learn information about a website.

If this traffic is a bunch of fakes, then why are we making such a big deal about this?

"Because, more than half of all Internet traffic is generated by bots."

Quote by: Igal Zeifman, marketing director

All of this talk about 47,000 visitors may sound crazy but when people start selling traffic and promising 1,000's of hits make sure they are talking about real people, not little creepy crawly bots.

The traffic numbers we show are for real visitors, real people, not some phony robot pushing up the hit counter to make a traffic program look like it is preforming much better than it actually is. These are facts you can trust.

We need visitors, just like you.

We need good reliable traffic, just like you. That's why we started testing all of these programs in the first place. We're not trying to make headlines running around catching scammers and screaming "We gotcha".

It's not worth the hassle ... or wasting time with lawyers.


We're looking for Traffic Programs that work. Wildly successful programs that produce 1,000’s and 1,000’s of visitors everyday.

If a program really works then watch out, we'll promote it like crazy.

What good are thousands of visitors if they don't do anything? That's what you'll see with our testing. We'll show you if these programs send real live people.

If a program doesn't work, we'll quietly archive it. We let the facts speak for themselves. You can make your own decisions. If you want to buy a program that produces a trickle of traffic, that's your business.

Now you know the truth. Come on inside. The real traffic facts are right here ready for you to see.

Thank you

How do we know?

How do we know that you are a real person, that just wants the truth about website traffic programs?

Because joining our members area is very difficult for a web bot. Not impossible, but very difficult.

All the website traffic programs we are testing send traffic to this web page. It's important to stop any malicious or fraudulent activity.

By taking the extra step to add your email to our members area you are helping to protect the integrity of this traffic data.

Join Us

  • You will see how many visitors we receive from each of the traffic programs we are testing.
  • Real facts, in real time, right from our database.
  • Real visitors. We stop the scammers, hackers and bots from sneaking in, and adding visits to make a traffic program appear to be performing better than it actually is.
  • Join us. Membership is Free.

Note: There is no charge to join and view the test results of the different traffic programs we are testing. Membership is free.

Our Promise: We hate spam just like you do and we'll protect your privacy. We WILL NOT rent, sell or give your personal information to anyone.

With the popularity of AI (artificial intelligence) keeping the bad guys out is getting more challenging so this is one of the safeguards to keep an eye on these pests.

Guess How Much Traffic this Ad Created.
[You Won't Believe the Answer]
It's amazing. Join us and we'll tell you the story behind the traffic this banner ad created.
Traffic Programs
Traffic Programs We Are Testing
Paid Membership
10K Hits
Paid Membership
Quick Cash Solos
Paid Membership
Top Dog Rotator
Paid Membership
You Won't Believe
Pay Per Click
Rank Boost Up
Paid Membership
Mega Mail Boost
Paid Membership
Boomerang Blaster
Paid Membership

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